tirsdag den 20. juli 2010

Lindsay Lohan new shot

After lindsay lohan turned herself in today, her new shot has just been released.
The (Left) shot are from 2007 her first time, and this shot are from 2010. (Today)
We can see a big differens :)

søndag den 18. juli 2010

Inception are #1

Chris Nolan's new triller inception starring Leonardo Dicaprio, took the spot as #1 at imdb.com this week.

Imdb plot
"In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a single idea within one's mind can be the most dangerous weapon or the most valuable asset."

This is Leonardo Dicaprio best debut ever. It's already made more than 2008's Blood Diamond!

fredag den 16. juli 2010

Katie Holmes Transformation

Oh we all saw this upcoming didn't we? Yes it seems as tho' Katie Holmes has finally ditched every parthian cat of her remaining shards of personality to embellish a filled abstraction Stepford mate to her hubbie Tom Cruise.

Or not… actually (in frame you hadn't already guessed) Katie has vindicatory donned this classic 1950's paraphernalia for a new playing part she's fair began filming, in which she's activity Jackie O in a biopic virtually the Airdrome bloodline.

And amazingly Katie does perception honorable equivalent Jackie O. It's quite unnatural truly isn't it?

Paris Hilton busted with pot (Again) !

Paris hilton got arrested in French with less than a gram of marijuana in her purse.

Paris hilton declaim the rumours on twitter today.

"Just to put an end to these rumors. The stories saying I have been arrested are completely false! I am having the best vacation of my life! What an amazing summer! I feel so blessed and grateful for everything. I Love Life!! :) Now let's move on and everyone focus and enjoy their own summer time! Love you guys! Xo Paris."

Yeah right paris.

onsdag den 14. juli 2010

Mila Kunis "Friends with Benefits"

Kicking off added weekday, Mila Kunis was spotted on the set of her new celluloid "Friends with Benefits" yesterday salutation (July 14).

The "Forgetting Wife Marshall" actress preserved a cigarette in between takes on the New Royalty Municipality set, perception attractive in a botanist knee-high arrange.

tirsdag den 13. juli 2010

British Celebritys naked

The most awesome babes celebritys, are from Hollywood, but britian also have some hotties like theese two . Who was in for a nude shot, i can't belive i first found out of this today. This was shooted for closer magasine.

Michelle, who is a tiny size eight, said:

"This is the first time I’ve ever posed with no clothes on and I’m a bit nervous. I’ve been offered thousands of times to pose naked for lads’ mags, but always refused. It’s only now that I’ve felt ready to do it tastefully."

At the same time, Adele, who recently moved to USA, said:

"Everybody is obsessed with image here, but being in LA has made me relax about my body! I’m 30 this year and I’m finally at ease with myself. I don’t need a blow-dry and full make-up to go to the shops like some women."

fredag den 9. juli 2010

Miley Cyrus "What are you doing ?"

There are not long time now, before Miley Cyrus turns 18 years old, but on her new dvd she almost like stripping, and its "too much", many teen girls are looking up to that girl as a rolemodel, but its not that kind of rolemodel i want my sister to have anymore.

So miley what are you doing, maybe she is the next "Britney spears" Lets hope not!